Issues List
1 Oct 15, 2020
Power Utilization based Cluster Head selection for Efficient route Decision in WSN

The WSN is decentralized network and nodes are gratis to move in limited radio range for communication. The routing protocol is performing important role for communication and better routing strategy is reduces the un-necessary energy consumption and enhances the exploitation of energy. LEACH is the energy efficient protocol and this protocol is only designed for energy based routing. In this paper we proposed a new multipath routing strategy with higher energy node selection scheme for selection of Cluster Head (CH) and route establishment. Route capable sensor generate the election message and higher energy base cluster head are selected which is future provide the service to all member node within the region, multi hop technique also provide inter cluster communication and minimize the energy consumption as well as routing overhead. In this research we modify the routing strategy of LEER and provide new name as power utilization energy efficient routing (PULEER) in this method cluster head selection based on the calculation of power utilization of node and its contain energy which helps to increase the network life time. While the sensor node guaranteed to number of packet sends higher and also duration of node aliveness is longer than other sensor node, than select those node as cluster head which provide service to all member node (low energy node) and transmit data to base station through inter cluster communication or direct same cluster head to base station via mobile device. PULEER design efficient energy utilization base cluster head selection for increasing life time of the network. The network performance is measure by performance metrics like nodes alive, overhead and throughput in dynamic network....

Authors: Seema Rajurkar, Dr. Vivek Sharma.


  • Calling Papers For Volume 13, Issue 4 Last Deadline For Paper Submission 22-July-2023 Posted by Admin Posted by Admin.