Issues List
1 Mar 27, 2018

In this paper, a brief discussion about the various data mining fields has been discussed. Association rule mining is a vast field that has been worked upon a lot. Various works has been performed on the optimization of the ARM approach. Genetic algorithm, PSO and ACO have been performed on ARM and various papers that have been built on this have been discussed in this paper. Fuzzy and rough set implementation on the association rule mining has been done and this field has also been discussed in this paper. All the strategies discussed have a few not common issues that are mentioned in this paper....

Authors: Vikram Rajpoot, Akhilesh Tiwari ,Bharat Mishra.

2 Mar 27, 2018

As known in our article there is comparison among Lasso and Ridge, we will introduce one more scheme and show their relationship, and so before execution let’s see some of the factors which are engage through this research. The prediction of commercial bankruptcy is an incident of interest to creditors, investors, borrowing firms, as well as governments alike. Several quantitative methods along with distinct variable choice techniques have been working to develop observed models for predicting commercial bankruptcy. For the current study the lasso as well as ridge approach is undertaken, since they agreement well through multi colinearity along with show the ideal property to minimize the arithmetical instability that might occur due to over fitting....

Authors: Anjali, Rakesh Shivhare, Komal Pandey, Mukesh Dixit.

3 Mar 27, 2018

As well-known in our article, there is contrast amongst Lasso along with Ridge, we will initiate one more method as well as demonstrate their association, and so earlier than execution let’s observe a number of the factors which are assign throughout this research. The estimation of commercial bankruptcy is a happening of significance to creditors, borrowing firms, investors, as well as governments identical. Some quantitative methods beside with different variable preference techniques have been working to build up experiential models designed for predict commercial bankruptcy. For the presented study the lasso along with ridge technique is undertaken, given that they agreement fine throughout multi co-linearity beside with illustrate the ideal property to reduce the arithmetical volatility that might happen due to more fitting....

Authors: Varsha Gupta, Nitesh Dubey.

4 Mar 27, 2018

Here online product review users argue concerning products as well as its features. A product might have hundreds or else thousands of reviews, consumers distribute their experience concerning products and comments on products characteristics. These product reviews could have positive or else negative sentiments. An optimistic sentiment contain good estimation about product as well as its features likewise a negative sentiment inform drawbacks beside through problems of product as well as its features. Feature could be part of the product or else its characteristics. In this article we exploit modified method for analyze the sentiments within online product reviews concerning the different features of products. We download the artifact reviews commencing internet using the web crawler along with stored it within inverted index format. With the parts-of speech tagging, remove the two-word view phrases as well as calculates the semantic direction by measure the mutual information among each phrases along with positivity along with negativity. Review of sentiments of all features is present base on usual semantic orientation worth....

Authors: Supriya Soni, Shivendra Dubey, Rakesh Tiwari,Mukesh Dixit.

5 Mar 27, 2018

In this article, we describe the lessons we learnt while build XGBoost, a scalable tree boost method that is commonly used by data scientists as well as provide state-of-the-art outcome on various problems. We planned a novel lightly aware algorithm for conduct light data and a hypothetically honesty weighted quintile drawing for estimated learning. Our knowledge shows that data compression, cache access pattern and shading are important elements used for build a scalable end-to-end scheme used for tree boosting. These lessons are able to apply to additional machine learning system as well. By combine these insight, XGBoost is capable to resolve actual world scale problems by a minimum quantity of resources. In conclusion, gradient boosting has verified several times to be an efficient prediction algorithm for together classification as well as regression tasks. By selecting the numeral of components included in the model, we can easily control the so-called bias variance trade-off in the estimation. In addition, section wise gradient boosting increase the pleasant appearance of boosting by adding usual variable choice through the fitting process....

Authors: Anjali, Shivendra Dubey, Mukesh Dixit.

6 Mar 27, 2018

Mobile Ad hoc Network is a collection of lightweight devices that?s capable to transmit packet by point to point and multipoint bases. Data transmission by sensor nodes is a challenging task because limited availability of channels, energy, processing power to transmit the data in rush network. To address this problem by existing work and identifies some solutions such as collision resolution by CSMA/CA or CSMA/CN method, network load sharing through multipath routing and avoid the congestion from the network. In this paper incorporate all those existing work and proposed a module to provide reliable service in any circumstances under mobile ad hoc communication. We solve the collision problem by multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) antenna whose support to carrier sense multiple access with collision notification (CSMA/CN) MAC protocol that enhances the channel utilization with collision resolution. Another aspect to solve the delay and load balancing problem while network is very denser or number of device is grater in single network, that issue resolve by the multipath routing strategies whose gives the multiple path for data communication at the same time to the single or multiple competitor devices. In this study paper we investigate all relative parameters under collision resolution and load balancing and proposed the enhance solution for those problem resolution....

Authors: Arif Ullah Khan , Shiv Shakti Shrivastava, Asif Ullah Khan.

7 Mar 27, 2018
Soft Fixed-Point Theorems in Generalized S-Metric Spaces

In the present research paper, some soft fixed-point theorems are proved in generalized S metric space for rational mappings. The established results satisfy well known results on fixed point theory in specified conditions....

Authors: Ramakant Bhardwaj.

8 Mar 27, 2018
Optimality and Duality in Generalized Pareto Minimization in Complete Normed Spaces

This paper deals with the minimization of a generalized Pareto problem defined on complete normed spaces. Some sufficient optimality conditions are given. Some results on weak and strong duality are derived. ...

Authors: Rajnish Kumar Dwivedi , Anil Kumar Pathak.

9 Mar 27, 2018
Modification of L- Shape Gravity Roller Dispatch Conveyor with Turn Table Arrangement

This study presents the conceptual framework and practical implications of modifying an L-shape gravity roller dispatch conveyor with a turntable arrangement. The motivation for this modification is to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of material handling and logistics operations within industrial settings. The proposed system involves the incorporation of a turntable at the corner of the L-shaped conveyor, allowing for a seamless change in the direction of materials being transported. A control system is implemented to coordinate material routing and ensure accurate alignment on the turntable. Sensors and sorting mechanisms are utilized for precise material handling, while the flexibility of this modified conveyor system enables a variety of material flow configurations. The study explores the potential advantages of this modification, including improved workflow, reduced manual intervention, and optimized space utilization. By providing a comprehensive overview of this innovative conveyor system adaptation, this research contributes to the ongoing efforts to enhance the efficiency and adaptability of material handling processes across industries....

Authors: Nilesh S. Pohokar, Aniruddha D. Shelotkar, Priyanka A. Chorey.


  • Calling Papers For Volume 13, Issue 4 Last Deadline For Paper Submission 22-July-2023 Posted by Admin Posted by Admin.